Nora didn't wait to feel better before she had fun in her life. She sought out joy in every day, and in every part of her journey.
So, the following awards are important to us, and will always set the tone for future events to come. While, we cannot give them out in 2022 we look forward to 2023. Our winners from 2021 were; Award 1 - Tania Soal Award 2 - Oakley Herd Award 3 - Charlotte Park Award 4 - Team - I’ll leave it up to you.

Award 1 - Sense of adventure, Nora style.
We are looking for someone who is not afraid to try things, especially things others may fear. Someone who gives anything a go - no matter how hard it looks or if they have never tried it before. They seem to live life on the edge while wearing a smile. Nora LOVED to try new things – even things that seemed well beyond someone of her young age. Afterwards, she would grin and boldly declare “I wanna do that again!". Nora never let her cancer get in the way of trying things.

Award 2 - Resilience: just keep swimming.
This person shows that when you fall down, you dust yourself off and get back up again with a smile and a positive attitude. Maybe something hasn't quite gone to plan or was much harder than you anticipated but you used the amazing tools you have to try again. This person has resilience, positivity and self-confidence: all traits which Nora showed time and again through the major ups and downs of her treatment. Ever the fighter, Nora would always be discharged from hospital well before the medical team thought she would. We would often have to tell her to slow down!

Award 3 - Bright side, glitter girl.
This award will go to a young girl who expects good things to happen and radiates positive energy. She completed the race or part of the race with style. She stood out to the point of shining. The team could not have done it without her. This embodies Nora; our amazing glitter girl in personality and energy.

Award 4 - Clearview Connect, family/team award
The team that we choose for this award will be a team who can easily connect with each other through their amazing conversation and listening skills. This team will work together brilliantly, have confidence in each other and lift each other’s spirits throughout the event. This may not be the team that was the fastest, completed the task perfectly or even got the job done but they never gave up - especially on each other. Clearview Primary was Nora's school and in fact one of her favourite places in the world - the Clearview Community helped Nora beyond measure. Connecting is one of Clearview’s key competencies and an essential element of the Touch the Sky event.